I went to Digi store twice in order to grab my beloved iphone. The 1st time i went there, when i wanted to pay for the phone, the stupid staff told me they didnt accept debit card. Come on, do u think its safe to bring 2k cash in ur bag? but its none of their business, they don't care about consumers. They told me credit card is acceptable. Fine, no choice i had to leave with disappointed feeling. Second time, again, when i wanted to make payment, once again,the 2pid guy told me postpaid sub-line user is not allowed to sign up iphone plan. What do u feel when this continuous thing happens on u when u have great feeling u will get ur ideal phone soon yet the staff told u this? Totally great disappointment. HAIZ.
Come one stupid guy, can u tell me all the requirements all at once? As an expert salesperson, u shud giv us accurate information but not waiting us to ask. Balik kampung makan tahi u. Yes,i curse u. Digi creates so many problems to me. Damn it.