Friday, April 20, 2012

20/4/12 Visited fourth Dermatologist ( Dr. Foong)

A sudden decision to visit famous Dr. Foong today. And the fees charged is surprisingly expensive and it's over my estimated budget. I do hope this is the last dermatologist i visit. Having a skin problem is not easy to cure, when you yourself have experienced the problem, you would understand how suffer it is and yet the problems follow you for such a long period.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

First Time

17/4/12 The very first time I joined paintball game with them. Who are them? They are my closed friends in my university life.

18/4/12 The very first time i had steambot with them.

Suppose to say, I do really feel glad to have them with me all the time. We have fun always, we have discussion for mid term and final exam, we go for dinner and lunch almost everyday. And I know, our university's life is ended so soon, and we might have less chances to meet in future, so I do appreciate each moment we're togeta. We chat, we laugh, we share, we tease each others and still, there's no gap in between of us. All these good memories will remain silently in my heart and i woudn't forget everyone of u after we have graduated. All the best to u guys and jia you for our finals.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


为何我的脸总是不能好起来?痘痘一直没有停止过出现,让我不懂要怎样做才能快快好起来?我试过很多方式来医治,但都没见的有好过。看了三次医生,用了半年的时间都不能医好。是我的身体有问题吗?为什么连医生都不能把我的脸给医好?还是我真的要改变我的生活方式了?没有熬夜,没有煎炸食物,没有咖啡,没有 Laksa & Tom Yam, 要保持早睡早起,喝足够的水。。:(

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Finals 快到了

Finals 要到咯。希望大家都会做好准备,做最好的冲刺。加油!
